Christmas time in Acorus
With joy for us, we traditionally prepared and delivered packages under the Christmas tree. We believe that all the recipients in our friendly institution Acorus were very happy. We thought of all the children and mothers who temporarily spent Christmas time in a calm and protected environment.
Glass of wine with Pavel Šporcl and Barbora Šporclová Kodetová
Also this year, we planned to meet over a glass of wine, the choice fell on the couple of Šporcl. 2nd of November we met at the HAMU Club on Malostranské náměstí and, in a full hall of guests, both spouses told us about their artistic and private lives, and at the end of the evening, Barbora Kodetová sang one of the catchy songs she is currently performing. She also cooperates with the Acorus asylum, which, in addition to ROSA, will receive a financial sum from the proceeds of this evening. We thank all participants, donors and the Šporcl couple, for a pleasant meeting.

Jana Brabcová-Orlíková
It is with sadness in our hearts that we announce that our club member Jana Brabcová-Orlíková died in October 2023. As an art historian, she worked not only at the National Gallery Prague, but also devoted herself in more detail to a number of our leading artists, especially the works of Mikoláš Aleš, Luďek Marold, Alfons Mucha, Max Švabinský, Antonín Slavíček, Vojtěch Preissig, František Kupka and Jan Zrzavý.
She was a member of Soroptimist International club Prague for more than 20 years. We will always remember her energy in running the club and especially passing on her knowledge of art while walking together at the exhibitions of the mentioned artists.
Jana will remain in our memories forever.
20th anniversary of SI club Košice
HANDBAGSGAIN on Slovanský Island
We actively accepted the invitations of ACORUS to participate in their big event in Prague's Žofín on September 20, 2023. We delivered about 60 handbags from our members and some of us also visited this nice event, organized as part of the Fair of Social and Non-Profit Organizations. And of course we also chose something for our pleasure.
From August 4th to 6th, 2023, five members of our club together with the ladies of the INNERVILLE club from Třebíč spent a beautiful weekend at the Konopiště castle. Part of the program, prepared by our member Elsa Z,. already on Friday included a visit of the 17th Century fashion exhibition in the Summer gazebo at the castle. We enjoyed the famous castle and the park during Saturday. A surprise for us was the presence of the well-known dancer Jan Onder, who introduced us to SALSA dancing. The evening ended with a festive dinner for all participants.
We enjoyed our stay at the BENICA hotel, built according to the design of architect Orlin Ilinčev, the husband of our member Zuzana.
We wanted to meet in July as well, so whoever was in Prague at the moment took advantage of the invitation to Kobka No. 9 on Prague's Smíchov embankment, which, in addition to other dungeons, serves as a gallery and a place to relax. There were a lot of people here in the late afternoon to enjoy the shade in the hot Prague July summer. On the pontoons of many restaurants and cafes, it was possible to enjoy a variety of cold drinks, cocktails and a seasonal menu offer. In a friendly debate around the table, we planned further club events and welcoming new Soroptimist members. It was very nice...

On days 4th-9th on May 2023, 7 members of the club went on a trip to Milan. We planned a tour of the city, the most famous sights, but also a trip to Bergamo, Lake Como and also a meeting with the club Soroptimist Milano Fondatore. The meeting with the club was very pleasant, the club prepared leaflets with the program, a guided tour of the Poldi Pezzoldi Museum and then a cocktail at the Grand Hotel et de Milan, plus a preview of the room where the composer Giuseppe Verdi lived for the last 27 years. We gave gifts and received beautiful colorful brooches (artwork with a Soroptimist coin). The president introduced the club, outlined the activities - for these two years, they have a "getting to know yourself" program in particular.